Arabic Conversation with Teacher Jihad Lesson2

In the name of Allah
Lesson 2 الدَّرسْ الثاني

Conversation 1
 السَّلامُ عَليْكمْ -
- Peace be upon you.
As-salamo 3alaykwm.
 وعليكم السلام -
- And upon you peace.
Wa3alykwm as-salam.
 عَفْوَاً اُخْتي .. أيْنَ المَكتَبة؟ -
-Excuse me sister, where is the library?
3afwan UKHtee, ayna al-maktaba?
 إنّها هُناك -
- It’s there.
Inaha hunaak.
 شُكْرَاً -
- Thank you.
 عَفْوَاً -
- Welcome.
Conversation 2
 السَّلامُ عَليْكمْ -
- Peace be upon you.
As-salamo 3alaykwm.
 وعليكم السلام -
- And upon you peace.
Wa3alykwm as-salam.
كيف الحال أختي؟ -
- How are you sister?
Kaifa alhaal uKHtee?
الحمد لله بخير -
- Fine thanks to Allah.
Alhamdulellah bKHair.
هل فهمتي الدرس؟ -
- Did you understand the lesson?
Hal fahimtee ad-dars?
لا .. انا اتحدث عربي قليلاً -
- No, I speak a little Arabic.
Laa, ana atahadth 3arabi qaleelan.
اووه .. لا عليكِ -
- Ohh... don’t worry.
Ohh, laa 3alaiki.
شكرا -
عفو اً -
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